
Animated film In the Air was awarded the Special Jury Prize at the Animateka International Animated Film Festival in Slovenia

The international jury of Slovenia’s Animateka animated film festival awarded the Special Jury Prize to Martinus Klemet’s animated film IN THE AIR, justifying its decision as follows: “The film is skilfully structured and develops from an initially absurd narrative into a playful and clever social criticism”. The members of this year’s jury were Alex Baladi from Switzerland, Malcolm Sutherland from Canada, Olga Pärn from Estonia, Solweig von Kleist from Germany / France and Jayne Pilling from Great Britain. The festival took place on 6–12 December 2010 in Ljubljana and this year was the 7th year for the festival. This is Slovenia’s most important animated film event. IN THE AIR participated in the festival’s international competition programme.

The film was completed at Eesti Joonisfilm Studio in 2009 and the Estonian Film Foundation and the Estonian Cultural Endowment provided support for its completion.

See more about the animated film IN THE AIR at

More information about the award and the festival is at


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