
The full-length animated film Lotte and the Lost Dragons, completed in celebration of the 100th Anniversary of the Republic of Estonia, won an award at the Munich Film Festival Award

The animated film Lotte and the Lost Dragons, completed in celebration of the 100th Anniversary of the Republic of Estonia, won the Audience Award at the recently concluded Munich Film Festival

Director Heiki Ernits participated in the screening of the film in Munich.

‘The Munich Children’s Film Festival is one of the oldest and most important children’s film festivals in Germany. It was a great honour to take part in this festival with the new Lotte film. And when the children voted our film as the festival’s best; well, what else could one want!’ said the film’s director, Heiki Ernits.

The world premiere for Lotte and the Lost Dragons, part of the EV100 film programme, was in Estonia on 4 January 2019.

Lotte and the Lost Dragons is an adventure for the entire family, in which the wonderful puppy girl get a little sister, Roosi. Gadgetville is visited by scientists, Karl the Raccoon and Victor the Fish, who are participating in an important competition involving the collecting of old folk songs. The grand prize will be awarded to whomever is able to record the folk song of the world’s oldest animal species, the mythical fire-breathing dragons. Lotte and Roosi decide to help the scientists. An exciting and unexpected adventure awaits them.

Janno Põldma and Heiki Ernits are the directors of Lotte and the Lost Dragons. The screenplay was written by Janno Põldma, Heiki Ernits and Andrus Kivirähk. The score for the film was written by Sven Grünberg. The film was produced by Kalev Tamm, from Eesti Joonisfilm, and Vilnis Kalnaellis, from Rija Films.

The only animated film in the EV100 film programme, Lotte and the Lost Dragons was completed in cooperation between Eesti Joonisfilm and the Latvian studio Rija Films. The production of the film was supported by the Estonian Film Institute, the National Film Centre of Latvia, Creative Europe’s MEDIA programme, Helio and Estonian Public Broadcasting.

In total, five live action films, a full-length animated film and two documentary films and a TV series were completed for the 100 Anniversary of the Republic of Estonia. Additional information on the Republic of Estonia 100th Anniversary film programme can be found at

Munich Film Festival:

Film trailer:

Lotte and the Lost Dragons homepage:

Eesti Joonisfilm’s Facebook page:


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