Eesti Joonisfilm, established after the independence of the Tallinnfilm animation department in 1994, has proven itself as one of the leading animation studios in Estonia, particularly focusing on the creation of short films. The studio has significantly contributed to the development of short films, bringing to the screen works that reflect the uniqueness of Estonian culture and the innovativeness of animation art.

A central role in the creative activities of Eesti Joonisfilm has been played by Priit Pärn, whose work and contributions have been remarkable for both the Estonian and international animation worlds. Pärn’s works at Eesti Joonisfilm have helped shape the studio’s identity and reputation, highlighting the diversity and creativity of Estonian animation.

The studio is known for its rich and diverse portfolio, which prominently features the internationally known character Lotte. Lotte’s adventures symbolize Eesti Joonisfilm’s efforts to create enchanting stories that resonate with both young and older audiences and serve as excellent examples of the studio’s ability to craft heartfelt and memorable tales.

The success of Eesti Joonisfilm’s short films and the popularity of the Lotte movies confirm the studio’s capability in creative animation, maintaining its important position in both the Estonian and international animation industries.


A modern theme for the film industry & video production

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